Our Mission
Envia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works with under-resourced churches in Costa Rica that serve communities in need for the transformation of lives by connecting people and resources.
Our Heart
After doing what we do for over 10 years, Envia's heart still beats for three major things: Christ, His Church, and the community. For Envia, it is all about relationships. We believe relationships are the seedbed for transformation, reconciliation, healing and freedom. Ultimately, it all hinges on our relationship with Jesus Christ, but that's only the beginning. Our relationship with Christ will inevitably lead us into unexpected and incredible relationships with other people.
Relationship is at the heart of the triune God. Everything He did and does is for the sake of relationships. A relationship was and is His answer and remedy to the world's problems, pains, and challenges; and it's lived out in community with other people - never isolation. Without relationships nothing we do really make a whole lot of sense.
Our Heart for Jesus
For God the Father loved the world, that He sent His only begotten son... Jesus. Jesus became one of us. "He emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." Christ's relationship with the Father makes our relationship with the Father and everyone around us truly possible.
We realize that we cannot do anything without Jesus. All that we do and all that we are is because of Jesus. "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." Jesus was sent
Our heart for the Church
We believe lasting transformation is maintained at the level of the local church. Christ designed the church, his bride, to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). The Church is the hope of the world because it is the embodiment of Christ, through his Spirit, on Earth. This is why we believe to effectively and eternally address the world’s largest problems – poverty, disease, starvation, lack of education, racism, abuse, and lack of faith in Christ – we must do it through the Church. The task before the Church is massive – it equals the sin and problems of the world. It can seem overwhelming, but possible. In order to save the entire world, God sent His son, Jesus Christ. In order to continue his work, Jesus gave us his Spirit. It is under that Spirit that the Church is formed.
Essentially our focus is the local church... the actual manifestation of our mission may vary from church to church, trip to trip. These three areas are merely guides and are not to be thought of as being mutually exclusive. They are very much intertwined in the growth process of helping a local church fulfill its mission.
Our heart for the Community
In order to see its mission fulfilled, Envia works closely with policymakers, business professionals, gifted individuals, companies, healthcare experts, community leaders, and local church leaders to help create a space in which transformation can take place. Envia uses its resources from volunteers, foundations, donors, companies, and churches to create a sustainable platform that embraces people and delivers effective and eternal solutions to their lives.
Envia Foundation | Vision Video