Why go?
As you have sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world - John 17:18
The very name Envia means “send” in Spanish. We are a sent people. As Christ ascended into the heavens his message was clear: we are to be witnesses of Christ to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
Since 2009, we have been called to be witnesses of his love and grace in the Nicoya region of Costa Rica. Hundreds of others have joined this call and given of themselves to serve the church and community in the Nicoya area. Our desire is not just that you come for a week and return, but that your experience leads you to a deep long lasting relationship with the people of Costa Rica and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are all one as the body of Christ.
UpComing Trips
Summer Mission Trip- July 2023 [Learn more]
For more information on upcoming trips, please email jennifer@enviafoundation.org