We are so excited that you will be going with us on one of our experiences. If you're already on a team, but need more information or still need to get update on payments or paperwork, then you're on the page. If you are trying to decide what team to go on, click here.
Before you are confirmed on a team there are few things that need to happen.
- You must register by filling out the "Trip Application Form."
- You must pay a $100 deposit to hold your spot. You can make your payments here. This deposit is usually non-refundable.
- Once you have registered and make a deposit you will be contacted by your organization team leader or an Envia Foundation's representative.
If at any point during this process you have any doubts or questions about your team, the trip, Costa Rica, payment schedules, etc. please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Palomo [jennifer@enviafoundation.org] or visit our Trip FAQs.