July 2018 | $100 Sponsors a youth

[includes in-country travel, accommodations, materials, and food]

The past 3 years Envia Foundation has collaborated with three churches from the Nicoya area (Nicoya, Quirimán and Santa Cruz) and one church from the United States to host a retreat for youth and young adults. Every year the number of participants has grown. 

This year we are expecting 60 youth (plus leaders) from Costa Rica and 20 people from the United States to participate in this 3-day retreat. It will be a special time to nurture past relationships and form new ones. It is a time to not only get away, but more importantly to connect with God's Spirit. 

This year's retreat will be held in Alajuela's Methodist Center, located only a few kilometers from San Jose's international airport. We are anticipating a deep move of God's Spirit in our midst.

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Will you consider praying for all of us who will be attending the retreat in the beginning of July? We are praying for God to straighten that which is twisted, awaken that which is asleep, and bring to life that which is dead. 

Your monetary gifts and prayers will contribute to the success of this upcoming retreat.